Monday, June 13, 2011

Why I am a Zombie Mom?

Although my husband has a small obsession with zombies, I am not actually a brain eating walking dead zombie mom.  There are several reasons however why I feel like a zombie mom.  The first, which all moms probably are, is that I am sleep deprived.  But my sleep deprivation is different than that of most moms of young babies.  Mine is self imposed.  After both the boys are in bed sleeping and the hubs has retired for the night, I usually get my first few alone moments of the day.  It is the rare day that both boys take synchronized naps of any duration so my me time is in the we hours.  I take advantage too, to paint toenails, do my own facials, or surf Facebook. It is an exciting life I lead.

The second reason I consider myself a zombie mom is because I am wandering through this new, unchartered territory for me in somewhat of a trance.  In the past 25 months, my life has been turned on its axis.  I waited until I was 40 to meet the man of my dreams.  We married when I was 41.  Two days before our wedding, we learned I was pregnant with our oldest son, M, now 17.5 months old.  No sooner did I feel great about not being pregnant than I found myself with child once again.  C was born 3.5 months ago.  As easy a baby M was, C has been that difficult.  Prior to my 40th birthday, I was a single woman living it up.  I had my mid-life crisis at 38 and was happier than I ever thought I could be at 40.  I was comfortable in my skin and carefree.  Now, I am trying on new skin, and while its definitely different, I am happier than I was then.

And lastly, as any mother knows, by virtue of carrying a child, your brain just isn't what it used to be.  I used to laugh at the woman at work who was pregnant and couldn't remember how to do her job.  Until I turned into that woman and I had to constantly remind those around me that I was suffering from gestational dementia.  Three and a half months after C's birth, I do find that I am recovering from this affliction although it does flare up at the most inopportune moments.  Like today when we went to the park so M could play.  I packed diapers, a "dab-dab", rattles for C, hats for both boys, sunscreen, water, snacks for M, formula and water for C, and something to mix his formula in.  What didn't I pack?  A bottle.  Something for the baby to drink from.  Sadly, this is the second time that has happened.

Residual  gestational dementia = Zombie Mom

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that my photo here is totally that of a zombie mom. Me holding C fresh out of the recovery room.
