Monday, July 11, 2011

Word of the Day

Some people enjoy word of the day toilet paper, I have toddler word of the day.  And I love it.  Its so entertaining hearing him latch onto a word and practice it all day long.  His words of the day have also forever changed the names of common everyday items.  For example, my hair dryer will forever be known as "wotta noise" and my flip flops will be affectionately known as "be-bops" for the rest of my life.  And that's OK because be-bops are a lot more fun to wear!  "I'm wearing my cute new be-bops when I get my pedicure today."

Word of the day really started several weeks ago when C was very young and M realized he could say "yellow", his favorite color.  That day, everything was yellow.  A couple of weeks ago, the word of the day was "running", to be said as loud as possible as one is racing at break neck speed up and down the hallway.

Word of the day has made me clean up my language.  One morning I went in search of M to find him sitting on his toy train saying "dammit".  There's only one place that came from.  Stifling a laugh, I explained how that isn't a nice word and that even Mommy shouldn't say it and we should change it to driving instead.  Fortunately, that word has gone from his rather extensive toddler vocabulary.

Today, the word of the day was "sorry", pronounced "thorry".  This happened after a particularly well deserved time out for head butting his four month old brother.  Knowing I was angrier than the one minute time out the Supernanny method allows for (and despite being so angry, I stuck to Supernanny's method because I am in awe of what this woman has done with far worse children than mine), M apologized over and over to me the rest of the day, even long after I was over it.  Of course he never did apologize to C.  He laughed at me when I suggested that.

I look forward each day with anticipation to the word of the day.

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